Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fergie's friend who needed $38k: Real or fictional?

So, I saw the Oprah interview. Sarah Ferguson made a point of having had to get part of that money right away for a "friend" who needed money.

Assuming this person does exist, it's kind of excuse making that she focused so heavily on $40,000 for them rather than the $500,000 that was definitely for her coming down the line. So either way, she's definitely manipulating the situation.

But, here are a few questions:

1. Why didn't she mention it on the tape? Unless she did, and they didn't release it, which I doubt. But if you are taking a large amount of money from someone and you have a reasonable excuse; that the money is for a friend who desperately needs it, wouldn't you mention that? But all she seems to mention is her bank account (in regards to the second pay out) and does nothing to imply any of the money is for anyone other than herself.

2. Who goes on the line like that to get money for someone else? Most people I know would only do something like that for someone who's practically family. If that's the case, who is this person? Why do they need the money? If Fergie had a known close friend who was going through serious financial trouble, the press would've jumped on it when she mentioned her "friend" and named names.

3. She said they needed $38k. Did she round up and ask for $40k so they'd have some extra just in case, or to pocket the extra?

4. What did they need the money for? Sarah gives no indication. Was it home expenses? Medical? In the U.K. they have Universal Healthcare, so presumably that would imply the person was American. Serious sudden medical expenses are about the only things I'd help someone get that much money for. But considering she asked for cash, I'd assume it was probably something illegal. Like owing the mafia. It seems implied they needed the money right away.

I think she's lying about part of this. I took years of acting classes, and have a pretty good eye for lying. I definitely think she was being untruthful in at least part of the interview. In particular, I was caught by when Oprah asks her if she's done it before. Her response starts off "No, I don't think so..." And then she gets a nervous look and says "No, of course not!" most forcefully. From what I could tell, she was lying there. How could she "not think so"? You would know if you'd done something like that, and the way she caught herself... I know exactly what she was doing. When you lie, especially if you think you might be caught, you're reluctant to commit to it. That's why it was "I don't think so" at first. It's like if you ask a seven-year-old if they've done their homework and they haven't. You'd get a similar response. "I think I finished it..."

But she caught herself. She knew what she was saying was going to cause speculation, and decided to further commit to the lie. You can see it in her eyes.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were other lies, but none blatantly jumped out a me like that one. I really don't dislike Sarah and would like to believe the best of her, but she's making that hard. I certainly think the "friend" story is possible, even if she's not selling it. I have heard so many stories of hangers-on coming to royalty (or ex-royalty in her case) and asking for large sums of money. They always have a sob story, too. And if they did exist, I know why they would keep her from revealing their name. They don't want the negative media attention turning on them, because they know they manipulated her.

Now, my favorite part of Fergie's story is how she was "drunk". She seemed buzzed, perhaps a bit tipsy, but not totally drunk. Even if she was, she went to see him with the intention of taking his money, and she was not so drunk as to lose control of her judgement. Even if she was, the "I was drunk" excuse works for one-night stands, bad dancing, and stepping on your flowers. Not taking money in exchange for "opening doors" to your ex-husband. If she had actually done something illegal, she couldn't go to court and say she was drunk and avoid responsibility.
She actually seemed more drunk to me on Oprah than in the tapes, but that's an opinion. Though with the tapes I think she got more intoxicated as things went along.

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